I am repeatedly struck by how light penetrates darkness.
Whether traveling or at home observing how sunlight makes it’s way in the space, I am mesmerized. This must be why much of my photography captures an object or a scene with a straightforward acknowledgement of shadows and a stark remind of light. Because this can result in moody photography, I like to play with a touch of humor.
The influences of Edward Hopper and Georgia O’Keefe came to me as a surprise even though I have been enjoying their work for a long time. As I was culling through images, I began to see Hopper’s isolation and introspection in addition to O’Keefe’s clean lines and observation of nature. My heart leapt because the connection emerged and I was excited to build upon it.
My hope is that my photography encourages us to observe and take in light everywhere we go. Observing light and where it goes can lead us to discover beauty we may have once overlooked. Lastly, I hope that my work gives everyone permission to smile in places and times in their lives where it may not feel like humor is allowed.
Brooke Macko
Macka Photography
Direct inquiries to brooke@macka-photo.com